Bridge Capital donates $2,000 to LibDay festivities

Community support for Liberation Day is rolling in as preparations are underway for Saipan’s signature event.
The 2019 CNMI Liberation Day Committee received last week a $2,000 cash donation from Bridge Capital, LLC.
“Bridge Capital is a consistent community partner in many events on Saipan, and we are grateful to have them as a bronze sponsor for this year’s Liberation Day festivities. We have a lot planned this year, and we encourage the community to come out and enjoy what we have to offer this year,” said Liberation Day Committee chair Joe Ayuyu Jr.
Bronze sponsorship is given to a company or organization that has contributed at least $1,000 in cash or in-kind donation.
“Bridge Capital is always happy to help the community in any way we can. For the past four years, we have been a sponsor of the Liberation Day festivities, and we are excited about the plans this year. We look forward to another great celebration,” said Bridge Capital vice president & chief investment officer Jody Jordahl.
“This year’s Liberation Day will be very exciting as food vendors, activities, and new carnival games will be offered for the entire community. We are grateful to our community business partners for their support, and we invite everyone to join us in celebrating our freedom,” said Mayor David M. Apatang. (PR)
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